Dear all my Master Students,
The society and its people change and develop, and through this growth, language evolves and education shifts. Teachers have new roles, teaching tools have new interfaces, learning materials have become borderless, and learners have become invisible. These are parts of transformation in education that are exciting and should be embraced and further explored. Furthermore, language, being one of the essential requirements for employment and survival as well as a factor for better human potential, makes it fascinating to explore the education shift and its global trends in language teaching and learning.
To embrace this transformation and the 21st century education change, the Centre for Modern Languages (CML), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Malaysia, in collaboration with Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, UAD JogJakarta, Indonesia, aims to organize the International Conference on Language Learning and Teaching 2021 (ICoLLT2021), in virtual mode. ICoLLT2021 is staged in virtual mode to cater to travel constraints as well as to observe social distancing due to the Covid19 pandemic. Conference participants can view the conference through live-streaming as well as virtually through video presentations. Updates on the live broadcast are announced on the website nearer the time.
Here are the conference book and ICOLLT program schedule for your information.
ICoLLT CINTELL Program Schedule as 12Aug2021