Joint Thesis Writing Supervision

Tentang Program

Program pembimbingan yang bekerja sama dengan perguruan tinggi mitra luar negeri. Mahasiswa akan dibimbing tesisnya oleh satu pembimbing UAD dan satu pembimbing mitra luar negeri secara intensif. Mahasiswa juga berkesempatan untuk dibimbing langsung oleh dosen mitra di kampus mitra di luar negeri. Saat ini S-2 PBI UAD bekerja sama dengan Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia dan University of Saint Anthony (USANT) Filipina. 


Program ini akan ditawarkan pada mahasiswa yang menempuh mata kuliah Seminar on Thesis Proposal (Semester 3). Mahasiswa yang mengikuti program ini disyaratkan untuk mempunyai proposal penelitian yang akan dikerjakan sebagai tesis dan mendapatkan pembimbingan dalam Joint Thesis Writing Program. 

Testimonials from Partners

We are grateful to be selected as the valued partner for this Joint Thesis Writing Program. This program is a labor of work between UAD and USANT and we will continue improving. 

Dr. Jose Ballesteros (Head)

University of Saint Anthony, the Philippines

This program has been running for a while and the students can really benefit from it. They can experience living abroad and learn the academic atmosphere of other countries. 

Dr. Roslina Abdul Aziz (Head of Language Academy)

Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

I had the privilege of participating in the Joint Thesis Writing Program with Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia, and I am incredibly grateful for that opportunity. The whole experience was immense and eye-opening: under the guidance of UAD and UiTM professors and experts, we were thoroughly trained and supported throughout the research and thesis writing process. This cross-cultural research experience not only honed our research skills but also broadened our perspectives on our chosen topics of interest.

Anis Etikasari, M.Pd.Alumni S-2 PBI UAD, Peserta Joint Thesis Writing Program dengan UiTM, Kepala Departemen Bahasa Inggris di SMA Kesatuan Bangsa

I am very joyful and grateful because Master of English Education, Ahmad Dahlan University has provided Joint Thesis-Thesis Writing with USANT so that I can finish my thesis promptly. My supervisors were Drs. Akmal, Ph.D. and Dr. Marilou D. Tino who assisted me in accomplishing my thesis. At that moment, I often communicated with Drs. Akmal, Ph.D. directly in campus. He helped me how to write thesis correctly. Then, I communicated with Dr. Marilou D. Tino indirectly. Even though I often communicated with her through Facebook Messenger, it was strongly effective too because she always guided me during writing my thesis.

Irfan Suryana, M.Pd.Alumni S-2 PBI UAD, Peserta Joint Thesis Writing Program dengan USANT

Kampus 2

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Jl. Pramuka No.42, Pandeyan, Kec. Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55161
Telepon : (0274) 563515, 511830, 379418, 371120 Ext. –
Mobile: 0831-4749-5911
Faximille : 0274-564604
Email : prodi[at]

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